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C.S.P. Consulting und Service für Pflanzliche Rohstoffe GmbH

The ultimate goal of C.S.P. is to advance the application of plant-based biomaterials to enable low residue product cycles. Environmental problems, food insecurity and challenges in obtaining and trading plant-based raw materials locally and internationally can be resolved by sustainable production and application of natural resources.
Within this framework, our main task is to provide scientific consulting services for the production of a wide range of industrial crop species, their use for material (primary) and energy applications and also the utilisation of agricultural crop residues (cascade utilisation, by-products).
Our service includes information on the reliability of the raw material supply as well as consideration for quality and pricing. 

Miscanthus flower
Miscanthus flower
Vegetable farming in Hungary
Vegetable farming in Hungary
Sunflower field for oil production

C.S.P. is the connecting link between crop production capacities and potential applications

C.S.P. creates the economic link between the producer of plant-based feedstocks, the processing industry and the industrial manufacturer. This networking along the value chain enables quick response to the needs of the stakeholders.

Plant biomass is a renewable resource that can effectively be used in a growing bioeconomy as raw material for energy and a wide range of plant-based industrial and consumer products. Examples are the use of plant fibres in technical textiles or clothing fabrics, short fibres for applications in injection mouldings and composite materials, plant oils and fats for chemicals and cosmetic applications as well as fuel, bio-oils and lubricants.

Our team has extensive industry knowledge and many years of experience in providing expert advice on the cultivation of agricultural and industrial crops as well as expertise on primary, secondary and final processing, and trading of plant-based products. We form strong partnerships with participating companies to ensure contract compliance. Our goal is to build partnerships along the supply chain with various stakeholders to securely provide the manufacturers and end users with plant-based raw materials from the farmers.

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